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Nature's Cleanse Tea
Clean & Effective Relief From Constipation
        Having a clean environment within your body will provide the organs
of your body tremendous benefits. And Nature's Cleanse Tea is able to
help you keep one by cleaning the "dirty" colon, regulate bowel movement and relieves constipation as it works on strengthening the stomach and promoting its action smoothly without any side effect since the ingredients are all natural. Use this product to maintain a clean body and to improve
your overall health.

           Having a clean environment within your body will provide the organs of your body tremendous benefits. To compare our colon to our freeways, when traffic slows down due to overcrowding or traffic obstructions a traffic jam occurs. The same is true of the colon. The colon operates efficiently, when bowel transit is flowing smoothly. Constipation occurs when bowel transit slows down, bringing with it many health problems. Nature's Cleanse Tea will do the work to help this to happen naturally.

       Bael Fruit - Is one of the most useful medicinal plants of India and Thailand. The fruit's medicinal value is very high when it just begins to ripen. The fruit is aromatic, cooling and laxative. It arrests secretion or bleeding. The unripe or half-ripe fruit is good for digestion. It is useful in preventing or curing scurvy. It also strengthens the stomach and promotes its action.

       Nature's Cleanse Tea helps relieve, cleanse and tone bowel movements. Regular bowel movements are important to remove toxins and waste form the body and constipation can give rise to many health problems such as appendicitis, bad breath, headaches and bowel disease amongst a few. Our cleansing tea can help clear the colon of any toxins, accumulated waste and improve digestion and absorption of vital nutrients.

Beal Fruit Contains essentail Fatty acids and flavonoids. The ripe fruit is a good natural Laxative and it clean & tones up the interestines.

Indian Gosseberry is high in vitamin C, regulates blood sugar & prevent lipid peroxidation in cell membrances.

Mulberry is reach in chlorophyll and phytonutrients.

Daisy is stimulates the digestion and can also allay coughs. With its diureting effects daisy tea can help against swollen feet

Benefits :
This tea can help clear the colon of any toxins, accumulated waste and improve digestion
and absorption of vital nutrients.

Directions : Steep 1 teabag in 1 cup hot water.

Packing : 2 grams per tea bag.

Caution : Contra-indicated in pregnant women.

ข้อมูลอ้างอิง : หนังสือสมุนไพรสวนสิรีรุกขชาติ , หนังสือสารานุกรมสมุนไพร
  Katika Enterprise Co.,Ltd.
111/2-3 Moo.1 Ucharean Project 1 Bangyeto Tanyaburi Phatumtani 12130 Thailand
Telephone.0-2577-1296, Mobile . 096-8608688, Fax. 0-2577-2854
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